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QuickBrace Dog Ear Posting Ear Stance

Measuring Ear Length

To ensure a correct measurement for ear length, measure INSIDE the ear from the top of the inner ear lobe (circled in red on the image) to the tip of the ear.

QuickBrace Dog Ear Posting Ear Stance

Measuring Head Width

When measuring the head width for brace sizing, you are measuring the distance between the two cheeks (marked with red x's on the image). 

An easy way to do this is to hold two pencils straight while pressed on the cheeks, and measure the distance between the two pencils as shown in the last image.

QuickBrace Dog Ear Posting Ear Stance

All payments will be submitted to United Service Dogs of America, dba House of Hoytt via Square.

QuickBrace Dog Ear Posting Ear Stance
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